Christine Fucking O’Donnell

Posted: September 26, 2010 in Uncategorized

Ok.. I hate to start this blog off with a hateful political rant but Jesus H. Christ this bitch be crazy.

She is obviously a media whore. Well… since she considers lust outside of the bonds of marriage a sin then she is a sinful media slut. There is no explanation otherwise that explains her very quirky actions over the last decade.

Let’s look at her Media Slut qualifications, shall we?

~Goes on any National television show she can get on. CHECK.
~Says whatever it takes to get ratings on those shows and be asked on again. CHECK
~Denies her own statements, gaining more attention. CHECK
~Keeps company with other media whores. CHECK
~Has put any semblance of a normal life on hold for her ambition of recognition. CH-CH-CHHEEEECK
~Exudes no real sense of remorse for stepping on toes along the way. CHECK
~States contradictory statements on different shows because of what was needed. CHECK

She is so much of a Media Whore I wouldn’t be surprised if on Primary election day.. when she wore a suit jacket to remind everyone of fellow Media Whore Sarah Palin… when she finally got to her campaign funded home and settled in.. I wouldn’t be surprised if she laid her worn out self down on her campaign funded mattress and dittled herself in a sexual frenzy, orgasming to the sound of Fox News calling the election replaying over and over in her head. Going at herself feverishly like a teenager going stag on Prom Night.

Oh.. her politics? Meh.. she says whatever she needs to say to get what she wants. She’ll fit in down there in Washington. So I don’t believe One. Fucking. Word. of it. I won’t vote for her based on the fact that she is a psychotic liar, not because I don’t believe in her positions.

Unless it’s the doggy style position. Ooh yeah… give it to me baby. You know the crazy ones are the hottest in bed.

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